
oh comely

A Playlist for Field Day 2015

words Linnea Enstrom

29th May 2015

Photo: Linnea's polaroid snap from last year's Field Day

The first signs of the London summer approaching is that restless urge to get off the train a couple of stops early and do a detour through the park. But the second must be the sweaty warmth of swaying festival crowd, while resting your head on the shoulder of a friend you don't see half as much as you wish to.

Next weekend, on the 6th and 7th of June, we're once again heading down to Field Day in Victoria Park for music, games and untrustworthy sunshine. Caribou and Ride are headlining, but we're equally excited to see FKA Twigs, Savages, Patti Smith - performing her debut album Horses - and Ex Hex to name a few.

Whether you’re joining us or planning to lounge in a neighbour’s garden with a cat in your lap, here’s a selection of our favourite songs from the festival this year.